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Secrets To Successful Affiliate Marketing

Secrets To Successful Affiliate Marketing
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Do you want to learn the secrets to successful affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a lucrative business model that requires no inventory stocking or customer service.

With the right approach, you can rack up insane profits for your time and effort.

After witnessing the success of players in the game like John Chow, I knew exactly what I wanted. The goal is to live the dot com lifestyle of money, time, and location freedom.

In the beginning, it sounds awesome hearing success stories from other affiliate marketers. But it can be quite discouraging when you’re nowhere near that level of success.

You might even begin to wonder what kind of secret these successful affiliate marketers are keeping from the public.

The truth to the matter is, there’s no magic bullet when it comes to affiliate marketing. However, there are many factors that contribute to the success of your affiliate marketing business.

In this article, I will go over a few factors that I believe to be important for the success of your affiliate marketing business. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Tip: If you are new to making money online, please check out my #1 Recommended Platform to learn all the fundamentals with step-by-step training to get yourself started today.

Factor #1. Having The Right Mindset

positive mindset
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Let’s compare 2 different mindsets, the employee mindset, and the business mindset. The employee mindset is all about instant gratification. The employee is only focused on his or her shift and getting paid on time.

Whereas the business mindset is all about generating more clients and becoming profitable in the long run. He or she understands that instant gratification is not realistic when it comes to starting a new business.

So which one do you want to be?

If you chose the business mindset then you’re correct! You don’t want to start your affiliate marketing business with the employee mindset.

When it comes to running your affiliate marketing business, a lot of it comes down to perception. Here I’m going to give you a few examples of how to treat your affiliate marketing business like a business.

Be Proud Of What You’ve Built:

People can smell bullshit from a mile away. When you’re lacking confidence when talking about your business, people can tell that your business is probably not so great, to begin with.

Being passionate about your niche definitely gives you a confidence boost. You want to be able to relate and tell people what makes your business so special.

Brand Your Affiliate Marketing Business:

At the beginning of your affiliate marketing journey, you’ll notice that getting traffic to your website is not a walk in the park.

When nobody knows you, it is hard to generate a sale.

Especially in today’s market where competition is fierce. That’s why certain companies like Apple, Samsung, etc are successful.

Even though there are other phone manufacturers coming into the market quite frequently. They are not afraid because they are a reputable brand.

With thousands of affiliate marketers starting their own online business, it is now even more important to stand out from the crowd by positively branding you and your business.

The first step to strengthening your brand is by owning your own domain name. It’s hard to take someone seriously if they can’t bother to invest $15.00 a year on a domain name.

Next, it’s important to have a logo to help differentiate your brand from others. Create your logo using DesignEvo logo maker.

For example, when you see the apple logo, you will immediately associate it with Apple Inc. That’s what you want to eventually achieve in your affiliate marketing business.

Set Your Business Goals:

A person without a goal is nothing more than a tree. Think about it… a tree produces oxygen and a person with a goal produces carbon dioxide. What’s the difference?

Every successful affiliate marketing business has a goal and plan of execution. You need to ask yourself, where do you want your business to be short-term and long-term.

By having set business goals, you will know exactly which direction to take to reach it.

Plans do change over time, so it’s important that whatever you do is flexible enough for changes. The end result should stay the same though!

Let me ask you this… What are your goals for starting an online business?

Factor #2. Create Your Own Affiliate Marketing Website

Create Your Own Website
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Before we begin, I’d like to state that it is possible to be successful at affiliate marketing without a website. You can leverage platforms like YouTube to promote products and services.

However, by depending on YouTube, your business can be at big risk. What happens if YouTube goes away? What happens if YouTube shuts down? What happens if YouTube gets replaced by another company?

Now, none of those seem very likely to happen, but what about this… YouTube decides to remove your videos because they don’t like it. Learn more about Why YouTube Shouldn’t Be Your Business Foundation.

By having a website of your own, you don’t have to worry about someone shutting you down as long as you’re not doing anything illegal.

With the right strategies, you can optimize your website to drive organic traffic (free) from search engines like Google.

Just make sure your website focuses on a specific niche. If you are passionate about fitness and would like to promote fitness products and services; do just that.

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is making money online by promoting products and services through your referral links (affiliate links).

By having a website, you can build a brand, add more value, and collecting customer information for email marketing (helpful for building a relationship – remember, people buy from those trust.).

If you want to build an email list, I recommend choosing AWeber (I use them, so I recommend them).

In terms of starting a website or more importantly a blog for your website. I recommend using WordPress, but there are other blogging platforms in the market.

If you would like to start a website/blog using WordPress, please check out my Free WordPress Installation Service that I offer to my readers.

Factor #3. Learning From The Right People

Do you think you are born to be an affiliate marketer? I remember a friend of mine once told me that he was born to be a doctor. Well, let’s just say that he ended up being a sales consultant instead.

The funny thing is he has no knowledge of anything to do with medicine. He simply admires those who are in the medical field.

Could he have been a doctor if he majored for it in school? Certainly.

The point I’m trying to make is, no one is born to be an affiliate marketer either. No one is born with the skills to be successful at affiliate marketing.

Most people fail to make money online through affiliate marketing due to a lack of training.

Have you ever stumbled upon a website with a ton of affiliate links, banners, ads, etc? That is usually a clear sign that the person behind the website has no idea what he or she is doing.

Affiliate marketing is essentially problem-solving. By providing value first with recommendation such as product and services.

Through your content, you can help people by providing value and solution to their problems.

For example, if you are running a website on how to lose weight. You can write about a specific product that has helped you or others achieve weight loss.

Learning how to write content and using SEO to rank well on search engines is only the surface of affiliate marketing.

That’s why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate for those who want to learn more about affiliate marketing as well as getting started.

Factor #4. Have A Sales Funnel

What is an Online Sales Funnel
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Unlike a physical store, it is not as easy to make sales because there’s no physical contact. Most people won’t buy from you at the beginning. A sales funnel is designed to fill in that void and help walk your potential customers down the path.

Why do car dealerships hire car salesman? Unfortunately, a car dealership alone without a salesperson will not be able to generate a sale. The same applies to your website.

But you probably can’t afford to hire a few live agents 24/7 on your website to answer any questions your customers may have.

Softwares like InterFunnels or ClickFunnels are amazing for sales funnel creation.

It’s all about lead nurturing.

Factor #5. Willingness To Stay Consistent

Consistency Is The Key To Online Success
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In order to succeed in affiliate marketing, you must be willing to stay consistent. Even during times where you’re not making money.

You have to accept the fact that you won’t be waking up to huge success overnight. It’s probably going to take you months or maybe years to reach the level that you desire.

I don’t want to burst your bubbles, but there’s no such thing as get-rich-quick.

If someone promises that you can make money with no effort at all. Chances are, it’s a scam and should be avoided entirely.

When I first started Smart Affiliate Hub, I was pretty consistent with my content creation. I stuck with it even though I wasn’t making any money.

To this day, it is still not at the level that I hope to be. But it is progressing… as long as it’s progressing, I will eventually reach my goal.

Are you willing to stay consistent even when you’re not seeing any monetary results?

If you want instant gratification without the need to consistently improve your affiliate marketing business, then you’re better off working a regular job.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there’s no secret to being successful at affiliate marketing. It all boils down to what you’re willing to do to take your online business to the next level.

Someone can thrust a million bucks on you, but if you don’t know how to work that money into a money generating machine, you’ll go broke pretty fast.

I hope this was helpful! If you’ve purchased anything that I’ve recommended in the past. I want you to know that your success is my success.

If you don’t find Smart Affiliate Hub helpful, I won’t make any money. So if you need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to ask by contacting me or leaving a comment down below.

Kind Regards,

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Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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