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Google AdSense Approved On A 14 Day Old Website

Google AdSense Approved

Hello Folks,

Welcome back to another Blog from your host Eric! Today, we have a very interesting topic to touch base on; Google AdSense Approval. In today’s blog, we will go over how I got approved with a 14-day old website!

Smart Affiliate Hub was created on October 16, 2017, and was Google indexed on October 18, 2017. The following day after getting indexed, I decided to give Google AdSense a shot! I kid you not, I didn’t expect positive results…

On October 19, 2017, I officially applied for a chance to advertise for Google and was given the message to wait for 3 days!

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I was approved for Google AdSense on my YouTube account prior to applying for this, but the process was totally different.

I anxiously waited and checked my email regularly throughout the day. I had a lot of negative thoughts in my head as well! I was questioning myself and my website… I didn’t think I was good enough.

I was searching the internet to read stories about other people’s experience with trying to get approved with Google AdSense and the results scared me even more.

Apparently, many people never got approved no matter how many times they’ve applied, so I started looking deeper to increase my odds of getting approved.

Forget About AdSense and Focus On Your Content

I lied when I said forget about AdSense haha! The truth is, you can’t forget about it because that is your goal and you want to achieve it. However, instead of worrying about the approval, I started using it as a motivation to improve my website(:

As long as you haven’t received the denied letter, you still have a chance to increase the approval potentials!

What do you mean by increasing the approval potentials?

That means it’s time to get to work and double check your content and continue publishing new high-quality content. Usually, the first time you publish an article, it will have minor mistakes and room to add additional contents in the future!

Fortunately for me, I don’t have a lot of blogs to revise since I’m new, but it was still a heck of a lot of work. As a matter of fact, ever since the creation of Smart Affiliate Hub. I’ve been sleeping extremely late trying to make sure my website is as good as it gets.

If I can do it, You can do it too!

Currently, I work a day job for over 9 hours because I can’t afford to NOT work and focus only on this website. However, I do spend about a minimum of 10 hours on my website every day! That sounds crazy, right? That’s because I have a computer at work, so I get to work on my website when I’m not busy with a client.

Getting Google AdSense approved is a HUGE MILESTONE for me because it’s an opportunity to earn a passive income.

Before you go ahead and apply for Google AdSense. I highly encourage you to review this article on Google Support: Click Here To View Content.

Now that you’ve read the AdSense Program Policies, let’s start talking about what I believe helped get my website approved.

Note: There is no magical formula to guarantee an approval. All you can do is follow the guidelines and make sure your website doesn’t violate any of their policies.

What I Did For Smart Affiliate Hub And Got AdSense Approved

I signed up with Wealthy Affiliate as a FREE member to take advantage of the 2 free websites with hosting. I used Wealthy Affiliate to monitor my websites health because I had no clue how everything works.

Sign Up For Google Plus Account

When I was working on the certification course, it stated we should sign up for a Google Plus Account if we don’t already have one.  I had one made a long time ago, so I skipped that portion and went straight to the rest!

(No longer important because Google Plus is getting removed). You’ll still need a regular GMAIL account though.

Register For Google Analytics

I registered my Google Plus account with Google Analytics to monitor where my traffic is coming from and how long people tend to stay. Just between me and you, I don’t have that much traffic ):

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As you can see, this is very important information as an online affiliate marketer! I am still working hard every day hoping to see some positive results one day.

Register for Google Search Console (Webmaster Tool)

The next thing I utilized was Google Search Console. This will provide you with additional information regarding where your traffic is coming from. Google Search Console also gives you information as to which URL of yours have been indexed on Google.

Verifying your website is very beneficial to you in the long run even though it DOES NOT affect your website when it comes to getting indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Fortunately, WordPress takes care of Search Engine Optimization as well as getting indexed. Your job is to write a quality blog post with the use of keywords to help with ranking in the future.

Update All In One SEO General Settings

The next thing I did was prepare my website for the search engines! I went on my WordPress dashboard and accessed my All In One SEO (You don’t have to upgrade to PRO)

all in one seo
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As stated on Wealthy Affiliate, this is a very important step because it will get your contents ranked on search engines!

At this point, I navigated to the Home Page Settings to fill in the blanks for the: Home Title, Home Description, and MAKE SURE you enabled Keywords.

Do this if you haven’t done so already!

About Me, Contact Page, Privacy, and Disclaimer

I also made sure that I had a proper About Me Page, hopefully, that was an interesting read for you(:

I also double checked to make sure my Privacy and Disclaimer was completed. There are templates you can use from Wealth Affiliate when you access your SiteRubix Menu called SiteContent.

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I haven’t tried the Keyword Rich Content Page, but maybe one day I’ll check it out(:

The Contact Us page gave me the most trouble because website building is very new to me. I didn’t know what was considered a good Contact Us page.

This was quite embarrassing, I ended up writing it out and soon realized you can add forms, so people can send you a message on the same page.

My recommendation is to play around with plugins and don’t be afraid to mess up because you can always reverse what you did to fix any potential problems.

People Called Me The Blogger At Work

I was blogging every day, sometimes twice a day! This is good and bad in my opinion ): If your articles are helpful and high quality, then post away and do it as much as you want.

However, if it’s just spam or half-(A word) articles then you are being counterproductive. Why? Google will send a specialist to analyze your website and that includes all of your articles.

I don’t consider my articles to be HIGH Quality, as a matter of fact, people criticize the way I write. I appreciate constructive criticism, but I will continue to type the way I want.

Blogging is a way for me to express myself and I will continue to type with my voice. – Sorry for being off-topic.

I believe it’s a good idea to continue with what you’re doing even though you are waiting for the approval notice from Google.

After all, it’s not the end of the world! You were blogging, to begin with, so why stop now? (:

Connect With Your Viewers

Ever since I created this website, I’ve been eagerly waiting for engagement with my viewers. When your viewers spend time out of their lives to leave you a comment. The least you can do is respond back!

Viewer engagement promotes return visitors as well as showing Google that your website is active. (:

It is a lot of work to blog and answer your viewers, but it takes you literally a couple of minutes. If it’s a complicated question, it will give you the opportunity to research and learn more yourself. It’s a win-win situation!

Advertising Daily

Every time I publish a new blog, I would share it on Social Media: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google Plus, and more! I don’t have a lot of followers on any of these platforms because I wasn’t very active.

However, If you are already active on Social Network then this will benefit you! Free Advertisement(:

I also registered for AdWords, it’s the mirror image of AdSense. I basically set a budget of how much money I’m willing to spend on a daily basis. In my case: $1.00 haha!

This was an opportunity to test the water and gain some traffic (:

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The Moment Of Truth

On October 30, 2017, I received an email from Google approving my application and giving me access to Google AdSense. I was so happy, I almost jumped out of my bed!

There is no guarantee when it comes to getting approved for Google Adsense, but one thing is for sure! As long as you work hard and follow their guidelines. You can also get approved as well!

I would like to take this time to give a SHOUT OUT to Wealthy Affiliate for giving me the resources to get to where I am today. If you are thinking about starting your own online business. I would highly recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate. They have a Test-Drive Free Membership that offers you everything you need to start today!

Click The Banner Below If You Are Interested:

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I hope to hear your success stories soon and thanks for reading!


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Kind Regards,

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Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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