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How To Rank On The First Page Of Google (Newbie-Friendly)

How To Rank On The First Page Of Google
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When it comes to content marketing, ranking on the first page of Google is extremely important. Sure, there are other major search engines, but Google ranks #1 based on traffic. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. I had a few readers who asked me how to do it. They created a website, but they’re not seeing any traffic. The question I had for them was, what is your SEO strategy?

For those who don’t know what SEO means, SEO is basically, search engine optimization. It’s basically optimizing your website or content to rank higher on search engines. The end result is quite satisfying, FREE organic traffic that converts very well!

You see, when someone searches for the best gaming console, they don’t just do it for fun. They do it because they have the intention of buying a gaming console.

There are many ways to get traffic to your website such as paid methods: Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. So why do people work so hard to get FREE organic traffic?

The answer is, well it’s free! Also, when your content ranks high on Google. It will continue to bring in traffic for years to come. Whereas, paid traffic works only when you pay for the traffic. Once you stop paying, the traffic stops coming.

In this article, I will go over a few tips that will help you rank #1 on Google. Without further ado, let’s dive right into it!

Tips to Rank #1 on Google

Tip #1 Focus on Content

How To Rank On The First Page Of Google
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Google had an update called Hummingbird and what it does is, websites who have content on everything will not rank as well as websites who have content in one specific niche.

Here’s an example of what you shouldn’t do: Let’s say you run a website on how to lose weight. If you write an article on how you should go to 24-hour fitness to lose weight. You’re probably not going to do that well.

Here’s an example of what you should do: You will do very well if you write articles on how to sign up for 24-hour fitness, how much it cost, tips on the best equipment to use for maximizing weight loss results, exercises, etc.

“The goal is to write informative and thorough content on your website! You want your readers to be fully educated after reading your articles.”

Tip #2 Optimize SEO on Title Tag and Meta Description

How To Rank On The First Page Of Google
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When you run a search on Google or other search engines, the first thing you will see is the title and the description of a resulting website. I have an article that focuses specifically on title tags and meta descriptions. You can find that article by clicking here.

The purpose of your Title tag and Meta description is to show relevance to your potential audience. When you search for how to lose weight. Would you click on a link that doesn’t state anywhere about losing weight? Probably not.

In other words, make sure that you include the keywords that you are targeting in your Title tag and Meta description. Fortunately, if you use WordPress, there are plugins that automatically generate the Meta description for you. I personally use All-In-One SEO, you can learn more about it by clicking on the same link above!

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t override it and optimize it on your own. When creating your Title tag, you want to include your keywords, but it should also be appealing otherwise nobody is going to click it.

Here’s an example: How to lose weight.—Does this sound appealing to you? Keep in mind, you’re competing with other websites who are also ranking for this keyword.

Tip #3 Use Google Search Console

Google search console
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Google provides you with their very own tool to aid you in ranking your content on the first page of their search engine. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can learn how to do so by following my other article on how to get Google to index your website.

There’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t sign up because it doesn’t cost you a dime! After you successfully signed up for the Google Search Console, give it a few days to collaborate because it’s new to your website.

Once your search console gathers enough data, it will display things such as keywords that you are receiving clicks for as well as impressions (how many people saw your link).

Here’s what you can do with those keywords, use the ones that receive a lot of impressions and add it to your copy (written content to raise awareness to influence a person or a group to take action). Keep in mind though, don’t stuff a ton of keywords into your content. It will look very unprofessional and deliver ZERO value. Click here to learn about content marketing mistakes that you shouldn’t make which includes keyword stuffing.

In Conclusion

If you follow the 3 tips provided, you will see results. It may not be instantaneous, but your traffic should increase drastically on that particle article.

Here’s a recap:

  • Focus on writing thorough content that delivers value to your audience. They are searching for answers and your job is to deliver it.
  • Optimize your Title Tag and Meta Descriptions. You are competing with hundreds or maybe even thousands of websites. What makes your link more desirable to click?
  • Use Google Search Console and implement the keywords that receive a lot of impressions. This will increase the traffic and ultimately increase it’s ranking power.

Regardless of what you do, the results will take time. There is no magic bullet to making money online, but if you take the time to increase the odds of success. You will definitely see better results.

Are You Interested In Starting A Blog?

Starting a blog is as easy as 1-2-3. I started Smart Affiliate Hub with zero coding or website building knowledge. If I can do it, so can you! Download my free eBook and take action. Yes, the keyword is “take action” and you will have a fully operational website in no time.

In my eBook, I’ve included a 7-day action plan which comes with products and services that I personally use to create Smart Affiliate Hub. The platform that I used to run this website has 2 membership plans: Free and Paid.

The free membership is completely free and allows you to create 2 websites including website hosting. Besides that, you will also gain access to one of the best internet marketing education in the market. Try it out and if you decide this is for you, you can register for the full version (premium membership).

Click on the banner below to get started:

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Hopefully, you’ve learned a few good tips on how to rank on the 1st page of Google. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave them below. Also, do share this article if you can with your folks on Social Media. Thanks in advance!(:

Kind Regards,

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Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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