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Step By Step Tutorial On How To Make Money With Clickbank

Welcome to my article on Step By Step Tutorial On How To Make Money With Clickbank! There’s lots of money to be made in affiliate marketing.

One of the biggest affiliate networks is called, “Clickbank“. A cool name isn’t it? The more clicks and conversions you get, the more money you can potentially make.

The information provided in this article will not only help you excel at making money with Clickbank but with other affiliate products as well. Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Don’t Be A Hit And Run Internet Marketer

where are the customers?
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Hit and run marketing are one of the many business models that many new affiliate marketers fall under.

Here’s an example of hit-and-run marketing:

  • The affiliate marketer selects an affiliate product to promote.
  • The affiliate marketer then sends traffic to a landing page that promotes the product via PPC or PPV campaign.
  • An affiliate marketer hopes to profit from his or her investment.

As great as it sounds, not everyone can succeed in using this method. The reason why many affiliate marketers fail is that hit-and-run marketing is identical to gambling.

You place your money on black or red and hope to win more than what you’ve spent.

You can’t depend on the hit-and-run marketing model for long. If you stop paying for advertisements, you’ll stop getting traffic which means you’ll stop making sales.

Also, competition can drive up the bid price to the point where you can no longer make a profit. For the short term, hit-and-run marketing might work, but if you want to run a long-term sustainable business, forget it.

You Need Repeat Business To Stay In Business

repeat customers are important
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When I first started internet marketing, I was under the impression that a blog is just a blog. I didn’t see the business aspect of owning a profitable blog.

A business requires repeat business to stay in business. Let’s look at Apple for example, if each of their customers only buys once and never comes back.

Do you think Apple would still be here today? Absolutely not, they would go out of business faster than you can say Apple.

The reason why Apple is so successful as a business is that its customers who purchased an Apple Product are likely to buy another one.

When I purchased my iPhone, I ended up buying my mother an iPad. Over the years, I’ve continued to upgrade my devices.

The same applies to people who purchase a Clickbank product from you, they are more likely to buy another one.

Here’s a little fun fact for you: It is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to acquire a new customer.

That’s why I always recommend my readers to start building their email list on the get-go. Instead of spending money on getting customers for someone else, why not create a list of customers that you can always market to for repeat business?

If you look at any major companies out there, most will have an email autoresponder to update you on their latest product or services.

They are doing what internet marketers call email marketing. If done correctly, you can bring your leads back to your website to read new blog posts or to buy something after you’ve developed a relationship with them.

Here’s A Clickbank Affiliate Model That Actually Works!

a clickbank affiliate model that works!
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The Clickbank affiliate model that works is more detailed than your average hit-and-run marketing business model.

It requires more effort on your part, but you will definitely make more money doing so. Here’s how to actually make money with Clickbank:

  • Choose a few Clickbank products that relate to your nice (the more, the better)!
  • Create a lead magnet that relates to your niche to give away. (eBooks, courses, etc).
  • Create a landing page that offers the lead magnet in exchange for a name and an email address.
  • Send traffic to that landing page. (PPC, PPV, Solo ads, Social Media, etc).
  • Use an autoresponder to send a series of emails to your subscribers that relate to the Clickbank product(s). (I use Aweber).
  • Some will buy and some won’t, but you can re-market to those who didn’t make a purchase in the future.

As you can see, it’s similar to the regular hit-and-run model, but there is a key difference. When you’re capturing the name and email, you’re building your own customer base.

Instead of sending your leads directly to the Clickbank product (buy once and never see them again), you’re setting it up, so you can market to those leads months or years later.

Step By Step Guide To Really Make Money With Clickbank

Step by Step Guide To Really Make Money with Clickbank
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Step #1. Consolidate A List Of Clickbank Products

Before you can promote anything, you must first determine your niche. This can be something that you have a passion for or something that you’re quite knowledgeable of.

I have a list of evergreen niche ideas here, to help you make a better decision when it comes to selecting a niche that remains profitable for many years to come.

It’s important to choose something that you enjoy doing. It’s like working a job if you don’t enjoy working at your job. You’ll be less productive and eventually give up. Making money is supposed to be fun!

Tip: The Clickbank Marketplace contains thousands of products, but before you choose a product to promote. You should buy it yourself, so you can get the consumer’s perspective.

If you don’t like the product yourself, chances are, your readers wouldn’t either. The good news is, Clickbank offers a 60-day money-back guaranteed policy.

Step #2. Create A Lead Magnet

People are not going to give you their email addresses for nothing. With the amount of spam going around, people are reluctant to give you their email address unless you’re able to offer them something in return for free.

That’s why I offer Divi Themes by Elegant Themes to those who subscribe to my blog. It’s a premium WordPress theme that allows its users to create a professional and functional WordPress blog with ease.

However, I have seen many affiliate marketers offer guides, eBooks, etc. 

Do keep in mind though, your free product should relate to your niche and the products that you promote on Clickbank.

Step #3. Set Up For Email Marketing

Before you can create a landing page for your free product (lead magnet), you’ll need a way to collect emails. Aweber is my email marketing service provider and it’s definitely the best provider I’ve had ever.

Aweber is well-known in the email marketing industry, so it can be integrated into many WordPress themes without any problems.

Aweber is currently offering a 30-day free trial. During that period, if you don’t like their service, you can cancel within 30 days to stop any recurring charges.

Step #4. Create A Landing Page To Promote Your Free Product

Now that you have your free product, it is time to let people know about it so you can capture email addresses. This particular landing page should be straightforward.

The sole purpose is to capture the email address, so briefly go over what you’re offering and offer your readers a way to opt-in.

There are many options when it comes to creating such a landing page. Personally, I use elementor, a drag-and-drop page builder.

With elementor, you can select a template to build on (the pro version contains more templates).

Once you’ve selected your template, the next step is to edit the template to make it relevant to your free product which also includes setting up your opt-in forms.

Publish and you’re good to go! Make sure you double-check to see if that page is optimized for mobile users.

Another alternative that I’ve also used is known as ClickFunnels. Building on ClickFunnels is extremely easy with its drag and drop functionality as well as its highly optimized pre-built templates.

Step #5. Send Traffic To Your Landing Page

Did you complete your landing page? If you have, great! Now it’s time to send traffic to that landing page, so you can convert those visitors into actual leads.

If you want fast results, you can pay per click using Google or Facebook ads. Keep in mind, pay per click is an expensive approach, so make sure you can afford it first.

Another thing you can do is to leverage other affiliate marketers. You can do so by offering an incentive to affiliate marketers for sending leads to you.

You see, unlike the regular hit-and-run marketing model, the leads you get are going to be YOUR customers, so you can market to them after.

Let’s say you’re giving away 2 free laptops to the top 2 marketers who send you the most referrals. An average laptop will cost you around $500.00 which means you’re going to spending $1,000.00.

If done correctly, you should have a huge list of subscribers. With this list, you can then promote to those leads and profit far more than $1,000.00 (your initial investment).

Step #6. Send Out Auto Responders

Most people don’t buy on their first visit. It is important to follow up with your leads if you want to build a relationship or to make a sale.

However, if you have a list of over 1000 subscribers, you wouldn’t want to manually email each and every one of them. An autoresponder is a great way to automate that process.

If you use Aweber, you can simply select Legacy Follow Up in the message tab. Legacy Follow Up will allow you to create follow-up messages that get sent out at your desired date and time.

The first email that gets sent out to my subscribers is to welcome them and provide them with my free offer as promised.

The welcome email is designed to build a relationship with your subscribers. It will entice them to read your future emails which you can then used to promote other Clickbank products.

In Conclusion

That concludes my steps to really make money with Clickbank. It does take more effort compared to the regular hit-and-run marketing method, but the extra work you put in will definitely pay off.

Do you want to sell a product once to a visitor or multiple times? It’s definitely not a hard question to answer, so I hope this article has helped change your approach to making money online.

Nothing is easy and if it’s easy, then it’s probably not worth it in the long run. Do you have other tips that you would like to share with my readers? Please leave a comment below if you do. If you disagree with this article, leave a comment as well!


Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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