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Not Every Business Needs A Blog

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not every business needs a blog
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We’ve all heard about the importance of blogging for your business and how it can help establish your brand, gain trust, and increases credibility.

Due to this claim, we automatically assume that blogging is essential for every business.

However, after consulting with local businesses who have recently started catering to the online market.

I realized blogging might not be a good idea for some of these businesses.

blogging might be a waste of time
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Blogging is definitely a great way to get your point across, but it can quickly become a recipe for disaster if you don’t know what you’re doing.

There’s nothing wrong with blogging, it’s the people behind it!

Blogging can open a new door full of opportunities if you know how to do it correctly.

If done the right way, you can get rewarded with leads and customers through search engines without spending money on advertisements.

Running an online business is a whole different animal compared to running a local business.

Local business depends on repeat customers who are local while an online business can cather to the internet (larger scale).

Without a blog, you will have to to rely on referrals (from people sharing your website), direct (direct link to your website on yelp), and pay-per-click (from paid advertisements such as Google, Bing, Facebook, etc.)

By the end of this article, you should be able to determine whether blogging is going to benefit you or if you should give up the idea entirely or maybe implement it when you feel like you are up for the task.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Your Business Might Not Be Suitable For A Blog

stop, your business might not be suitable for blogging
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Your Customers Don’t Use The Internet or Don’t Read Blogs:

Businesses who do research usually achieves the highest level of success.

When it comes to blogging, you have to first determine the likelihood of your customers actually reading your articles.

If nobody is going to read it, why write it?

For example, You’re probably better off not blogging if you are selling toys. Your targeted audience are usually too young to have access to the internet or they don’t care enough to read blogs.

As a child, when you find out about a toy, do you actually take the time to read blogs about it before buying it? Nope, you would just buy it.

You Have A Website, But Only Caters To People Locally:

Blogging is a great way to drive traffic to your website, but blogging is unnecessary for example restaurant owners.

Example, I notice a lot of restaurants now have their own website allowing you to place your order, view their photos, check out their menus, etc.

Their website is usually connected to their YELP account and that’s where they get local traffic.

You Don’t Have A Dedicated Blogger:

From my personal experience, blogging requires a lot of effort and time to be successful.

You need to understand how to optimize each article so it’s search engine ready.

Your blog also needs to be high quality with valuable information for your customers.

I run my own blog and I try to produce as much quality content as possible.

I enjoy doing it because I consider it my hobby, but there are days when my mind is completely blank. 

And that becomes stressful…

Have you notice that many established companies have one or more articles each day? There’s absolutely no way ONE person is doing it (or at least I can’t, not consistently).

The truth is, these companies have the money to hire freelance writers to work for them.

The cost to hire a content writer can vary. Those with more experience will obviously charge you more money.

If the cost is a problem,, you can always put the idea of blogging in the back burner for now. 

Or you can try blogging on your own for a while.

The point is…a successful business is successful because they have a business plan and having a wonderful team. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

It’s not a one-man job… I mean it can be in the beginning, but it becomes stressful to do every little thing on your own.

That’s why these big name companies hire freelancers to do the content writing for them.

In Conclusion

It can be very stressful to start a blog at first especially if you don’t have someone to help you.

Then again, not every blog needs to have a blog. Spending time and resources on something that is not going to help you make a profit is counterproductive.

I hope this helps understand that not every business needs a blog. Do you think your business needs a blog?


Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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