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How To Not Get Burned Out From Blogging

How To Not Get Burned Out From Blogging
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One of the biggest problems bloggers face is getting burned out from blogging. If you’ve been in the industry long enough, you’ll hear from other bloggers emphasizing the importance of producing high-quality content with at least 1,000 words.— It’s not that easy…

Yes, Google penalizes websites that are producing low-quality content, but it’s not that simple. First, you’ll have to gather ideas, next you’ll have to write it out. The point is, it takes real effort and time to be a successful blogger.

That’s why I’m going to teach you what I do, so you will not get burned out from blogging. I will be going over strategies that I’ve applied to the blog that enabled me to consistently produce 1 new blog post per day. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Be Passionate At What You Do

passion led us here
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Similar to a job, if you have no passion, you will not perform well. It’s like going to a job you hate, would you spend extra hours working? Probably not. However, if you have a passion for what you do, you won’t see it as a job. For example, when I blog for Smart Affiliate Hub, I genuinely enjoy it.

Every morning, I look forward to creating new content, engaging with my readers, and helping people in my space.

For example, I was helping a friend who is also a blogger in the make money online industry. You can check out her blog by clicking here. I didn’t see it as an inconvenience because helping her helped display what I’ve learned over the last 10 months of blogging.

The truth about blogging is that it’s definitely no smooth sail. You will encounter problems, discouragements, etc. If you don’t have a passion for what you do… you will fail. That’s the truth with zero sugar coating.

Keep Yourself Motivated

always stay focused
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One of the biggest reasons why people get burned out is because they feel like what they do is a waste of time. Trust me, I’ve felt that way before… I would blog every single day for a few months straight without seeing any results. Whether it is increasing in revenue or an increase in traffic.

It’s definitely hard to stay motivated when you’re basically working for free. Not being motivated will cause you to become negative toward your work.

A perfect example would be a car salesman getting worn out by customers who are not buyers. I used to be a car salesperson and I remember the negative unmotivated salesperson would struggle to sell cars.

My best advice for you is to watch videos of successful people in your niche space. They didn’t become a success out of pure luck. They succeeded because they never gave up. Basically, you just have to see it this way… if you try, you have a 50/50 chance of success. If you don’t try, you will no chance at all.

Set Up Daily Goals To Achieve

set up goals for your business
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I tell my friends all the time, without a goal, you will have a hard time keeping yourself accountable. Personally, I have daily goals for my business and I make sure that I complete them.— If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

I plan to produce at least 1 new blog post per day. Therefore, I batch my work just in case life gets in the way and I’m unable to blog.

For example, I have multiple blog posts in the queue waiting to be published. After writing this article, it could be weeks or months before it gets published because I have quite a few other articles in the queue.

Because I have a goal to maintain 1 new blog post per day. It pushes me to get things done and stay motivated. It gives me something to do to push Smart Affiliate Hub forward each and every day.— Do you have goals for your online business?

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

keep your eyes on the prize
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We all have different reasons to do what we do. For me, I’m blogging to create an online business that allows me to have more choices and opportunities. You see, part of it is the money, but the biggest reasons why I do what I do is for my family.

I didn’t have my father by my side for the majority of my childhood. My mother worked extremely hard to put food on the table for me and my younger brother.

In my opinion, she is the greatest hero in my life. So I’m trying to repay her by spending more time with her and giving her the opportunities to do what she wants when she couldn’t as a single parent. In order to have financial stability plus time, working online is a must.

Reward Yourself

reward yourself whenever you can
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Since you are your own boss, it is very important to reward yourself as a reminder that you’re doing a good job. You see, when you’re working for someone else, your reward is a paycheck.

Your reward doesn’t always have to be monetary. As long as it’s something you feel great about. For me, I like to reward myself with a day at the beach or a nice restaurant at least once a week.

However, I keep in mind that I can only reward myself if I complete my goals for the week. If I end up shorting myself, I will punish myself by not going to the beach or dining at a nice restaurant. Being a foodie that I am, I make sure that I succeed haha!

How do you prevent yourself from getting burned out from blogging? Please feel free to share your tips and tricks here by leaving a comment down below!

Kind Regards,

home, make money online home, make money online now, make money working from home, niche, niche website, self employed, SEO
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Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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