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Killer Steps to Boost Your Social Media Strategy

Killer Steps to Boost Your Social Media Strategy
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In this article, I will provide you with killer steps to boost your Social Media Strategy! It doesn’t matter how well-written or thorough your content is if nobody sees it. Over the years, Social Media has proven to be an important marketing channel to grow your brand, your products, and your services.

For blogs of various entry, sharing your content on Social Media enables you to reach more people which can help in gaining leads or sales. Social Media is also a great way to stay engaged with your customers. If they have questions, you can interact by responding. This will help you and your customers develop a relationship. There are various services that help you take care of Social Media Marketing. However, this can cost a pretty penny and many small business owners have limited funds.

What Are Your Social Media Goals?

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No matter what you do, you’ll need to set objectives. What are your goals with Social Media? Without goals, you won’t have anything to measure to progress with your objectives. Also, it is critical that your Social Media goals align with your marketing campaign.

Running a business or making money online is a long-term endeavor. Similar to setting a goal for when you start an online business, your objectives are the results that you hope to achieve. Personally, I have post-it notes with my goals written all over my bathroom mirror. I also have a whiteboard in my room with my long-term goals and short-term goals.

This keeps me in check because running your own online business means you’re your own boss. Nobody is going to remind you to work. With that being said, make sure you set your Social Media Goals before jumping in.

For example: Are you trying to build a relationship? Are you trying to generate more leads? Are you trying to generate more traffic? Are you trying to generate more sales? Write it down for yourself.

Every Social Media Platform Is Different

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I would avoid posting the exact same content on different Social Media Platforms if you can. For instance, Instagram and Pinterest users are more interested in visual content. Infographics are a great choice when marketing your content. A picture is worth a thousand words. You can either hire a visual designer or create your own simple infographics using online services like

You don’t have to do this with every piece of content, but more importantly on those that contain data and statistics. A simple graph is easier to understand than a long paragraph with the same numbers.

Choose A Posting Schedule And Stick With It

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Consistency is the key here. Always randomly posting content is not a good Social Media marketing strategy. People love consistency and your readers will start to expect a post from you after following you for a while. It’s like opening a lemonade stand outside of your house. At first, people will come from random times, but slowly they will learn approximately what time you actually open.

If you’re open at random times, people won’t show up because they don’t want to waste their time. The same applies to Social Media marketing. If you’re going to publish content once a week at a specific time. Stick with that and use tools to help you automate this process. Here are 15 Social Media Management Tools that can help your business thrive by Forbes.

Engage With Your Commenters As Quickly As Possible

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I know we all have busy lives. In fact, I only spend half an hour on Social Media per day. This step is definitely something I have to improve on myself. Keeping your commenters engaged is going to help increase your business or brand exposure.

Also, by responding to your commenters as quickly as possible, it helps build trust and reliability. If they buy from you, they will expect excellent service from you after the sale. I remember buying a piece of software for my computer from a third-party source. Sending them my money was quick and easy, but receiving any sort of support after was like being in a horror movie with nothing scary at all.

Again, by engaging with your commenters, they will start to trust you and will feel like they can depend on you if they have problems or concerns.

Use Analytics To Measure Your Marketing Strategy

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Most Social Media platforms provide you with on-site analytics to check things such as user engagement, follower growth, number of daily visitors, etc. The numbers you see are a great way to check to see if your marketing strategy is working. If not, you can use the data to improve upon. There are also off-site analytic tools available, but if you’re on a tight budget, just stick with what each Social Media platform provides.

Take Advantage Of Social Media Advertisement

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The truth to the matter is marketing costs money. There are many free methods, but if you want to quickly gain exposure, you’ll have to pay for it. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all offer advertising campaigns that allow you to show ads to people who are relevant to your offers. A good balance of both free and paid marketing efforts will help maximize your marketing approach.

In Conclusion

So there you have it, my killer steps to boost your Social Media Marketing strategy. It all starts with the basics such as content creation, scheduling and utilizing automation, and finally engaging with your commenters. Each of these little steps leads to eventual success on each Social Media platform. Social Media platforms are you currently using? What is currently work for you and what is not? Please let me know by leaving a comment down below.


Eric Chen

A regular person who envisions his success from helping you become successful. He is not featured in the New York Times, but we all start somewhere, right?Life Motto: Nobody will ever pay you, the way you pay yourself. Be your own boss and control your own income.

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